Fat And Weight Loss: Why Do I Hate My Body?

Today, more and more men and women are finding themselves dissatisfied with what they see in the mirror. Women are especially prone to falling victim to their body image. According to a Harvard study, half of all 13 year old girls are significantly unhappy about their body and by the time they turn 18, more than 80% of them are unhappy with their appearance. According to the magazine, Bliss, 92% out of a sample of 2000 girls were said to be unhappy with their appearance and as much as 40% of those girls considered cosmetic surgery to correct their problem areas. Numbers like these are not surprising to most, but they should not be accepted as "part of life". These numbers could be dramatically reversed since these problems most often arise out of environment as opposed to genetics.
How Does It Start?
Most concepts about ideal body proportions arrive at quite a young age. Possibly the most disturbing statistic is that according to the Social Issues Research Centre in Oxford, a recent Swedish study found that 25% of 7 year old girls had already attempted a diet to lose weight. Absolutely disgusting. The largest reason as to why this trend exists is because of the current climate of show business and the waifish appearance advocated by those therein. The mothers look in the mirror and complain about how fat they are and the children, being as impressionable as they are, mimic their mother and her complaints. This may sound like oversimplification, but you as the parent play a large role in terms of defining your child's self-image. If the children hear nothing but complaints about how fat mommy's thighs are then, most likely, they will begin saying the same about their own thighs. The same goes for fathers as well. If a father has some body dysmorphia issues and complains about needing a more impressive physique, then the sons will be detrimentally influenced by those words as well and will struggle with low self esteem just like their sisters. So, parents keep your unhealthy expectations of appearance out of earshot of your child.
How Can I Feel Better About My Body?
Recently, it has come of light as to why people, and women especially, hate their bodies. There are several factors that need to be considered. The University of Calgary's Eating Awareness Team has pinpointed six different elements that influence one's body image: visual, mental, emotional, kinesthetic, historical, and social. Obviously, visual pertains to what one sees in the mirror when they look at themselves. Mental applies to what one says about herself when in front of the mirror. The emotional aspect relates to how one feels about their body. The kinesthetic pertains to how one senses and feels their body move. Historical relates to any past experiences one remembers about their appearance. Lastly, the social aspect is how you view your body in relation to the societal norms. These six elements speak volumes in understanding and, ultimately, overcoming an unrealistic and unhealthy perspective of the human body.
Women are supposed to be thin while men are supposed to be lean and muscular, but this is unreasonable often times and attained at the expense of health. Most women look to models as the ultimate in beauty, however, most supermodels weigh 25% less than the average woman and these models typically sustain weights that are 15-20% below the recommended norm for women their age and height. In other words, they are seemingly suffering from the side effects of eating disorders. Thus, a healthy self-image begins at home. Realize that what one sees in the magazines is airbrushed, and when not airbrushed is too dangerous and taxing on the body to try and achieve. If you can realize that a thin frame doesn't necessarily equal a healthy body, then you will be heading down the right path. This path spares you from dangerous crash diets and your children of unattainable and downright foolish definitions of beauty and health. Women also need to remember that cosmetic surgery only needs to be done for yourself and not for the approval of a loved one or in hopes of obtaining a loved one. It's true that a healthy life demands regular exercise and a proper diet, but one could very well argue that none of this would even be possible without a healthy frame of mind. So, don't neglect the mental aspect.
Ian Robertson has interests that range anywhere between playing drums to kayaking and kickboxing. Ian is a Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Advanced Weight Training Specialist, as well as a Certified Nutritionist. He emphasizes functional and innovative training techniques to add variety and interest to his shockingly effective workouts.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ian_Robertson


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